by admin | Feb 14, 2017 | Admissions Essay, Application Essay, Grad Admissions, Master's Degree, Personal Statement, Recommendations, Resume, Writing Help
You are finally applying to grad school, but you have just about three months in which to do so. If you missed Part I in this two-part series about how to accomplish this feat, you can find it here. Part I covers how to use month 1 to strategize and start. With a...
by | Feb 7, 2017 | Admissions Essay, Application Essay, Grad Admissions, Master's Degree, MPH, Personal Statement, PhD, Recommendations, Scholarship
Ideally, you will apply to pursue a master’s degree in a paced manner—over 6–12 months. Having ample time allows you to do several rounds of work on each component; it also enables those helping you to do their best work. However, circumstances are not always ideal....
by | Dec 20, 2016 | Admissions Essay, Application Essay, Grad Admissions, Master's Degree, MPH, Personal Statement, PhD, Resume, Scholarship, Writing Help
Reading New Year’s Resolutions on social media brings me as much joy as seeing the memes that deride these declarations. Yes, it can seem non-serious to delay making a positive change immediately, especially when there are no barriers to doing so. However, I have...
by | Nov 21, 2016 | Career, Grad Admissions, Health and Medical Admissions, Master's Degree, MPH
“Doing extensive research into the curriculum ahead of enrollment is a critical step in being well prepared for absorbing and managing your MPH academics.” Tigest Tamrat is a Consultant at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Department of Reproductive Health and...
by | Nov 8, 2016 | Grad Admissions, Interviews, Personal Development, Scholarship
Think about your scholarship interview like this: Have you ever driven or flown into a city for a special occasion and had to decide what to do with a little time that remains after the main event? Maybe you went on a school or business trip, or you took a vacation....
by | Oct 24, 2016 | Grad Admissions, Profile, Self-Care
“Assess how you are going to pay for school, research scholarship opportunities, be frugal with living expenses if need be, and design a future plan for paying off loans that you are committed to working towards.” Ashley Szczesiak describes herself as a visual artist,...